Additional Research Transcriptions by Basil Campbell
These church records are presented as compiled by Basil Campbell. Researchers are strongly advised to check the original records or the microfilms of same available through PAROPEI.
Father Dollinger’s compilation of St. Columba Marriages
Partial St. Andrew’s_St. Joachim’s_St. Bonaventure Baptisms 1835-1856
Partial St. Andrew’s_St. Joachim’s_St. Bonaventure Marriages
Partial St. Columba Baptisms 1836-1844
Partial St. Columba Baptisms 1844-1872
Partial St. Columba Baptisms 1872-1900
Some St. Alexis Parish Baptisms
Some St. Alexis Parish Marriages
Some St. Paul’s Cathedral Baptisms
St. Andrew’s Parish Baptisms 1856-1901
St. Andrew’s Parish Burials 1870-1901